How to Uncover Your Brand Mission

How to Uncover Your Brand Mission

How to Uncover Your Brand Mission

Brand mission statements have taken on a corporate feel in recent years. However, we believe they have the potential to transform and inspire the way we do business.

May 19, 2023

Words by Marbury Team

The phrase brand mission has taken on a corporate feel in recent years. It conjures images of half-hearted mission statements, vague core values, and uninspired messaging that lacks individuality. However, we have a different take on the “brand mission statement” here at Marbury. We see it as a guiding force that keeps your brand centered and consistent through every season. 

For example, our brand mission is to build legacy brands for home and lifestyle. At Marbury, we believe that design is a powerful tool that reflects beauty, ideas, and the notable visions of entrepreneurs like you. That’s why we specialize in creating narrative-rich and meaningful branding so that it can adequately capture your character.

This iteration of our brand mission clearly communicates our values without feeling stagnant or overdone. It highlights universal values for most designers—strategy and story—but layers them to express our unique angle. This mission didn’t come to us overnight, though. There are a few questions we needed to ask ourselves in order to get there:

We believe that design is a powerful tool that reflects beauty, ideas, and the notable visions of entrepreneurs like you.



1. What are your core values?

What do you value above all else? In your day-to-day operations, in your interactions with clients, and in your own creative practice, what do you care about most? What are you unwilling to compromise on? 

We find that most of our clients identify innovation, transparency, integrity, quality, and compassion as their top values. They are driven by a desire to provide the most transformative and precise work possible. Doing otherwise would be a disservice to themselves and their audience. 

So, what do you value? Reflect on this question and draw up a list of 10-15 core values for your brand. From there, narrow it down to the top 5 and refer to these values throughout the rest of your brand exploration. 

Ex. Brand Values: Meaningful connection, honesty, transparency, reliability, commitment, quality, accountability. 


2. What is the outcome of your product/service?

We need to think of this in two ways. First, what is the tangible outcome of your offer? For example, an interior designer provides a tangible outcome of a functional and beautifully designed home. However, there’s also an emotional outcome that we need to take into consideration. What does the audience feel as a result of the work? In this example, the client may feel at ease and relaxed in their new space.  

Apply this line of thinking to your own product and identify the exact outcome that you provide. At this stage, you should have enough information to develop a value proposition: a simple statement that describes why a customer should choose your product or service. It clearly communicates the benefit of your work and, when done well, should position you above your competitors. 

Ex. Value Proposition: “Marbury offers strategic, storied branding to visionary entrepreneurs so they can receive the guidance and support that will help them grow their reach and operate with intention.”


3. What is your greater impact?

We often make the mistake of minimizing our work. It may seem like we’re “just designing” or “just running a business,” but really, we are setting a standard. Each action we take is a ripple into the collective. It is no small thing to build an interior, offer beauty through products, or share wisdom through education. These things are slowly contributing to something greater than ourselves. 

It is up to us to decide the depth and the shape of that contribution. What is the greater impact you desire? What imprint do you want to leave behind? How do you want people to feel when they interact with your brand? These questions lead you to the bigger picture of your brand’s existence.

Starbucks does an incredible job of embodying this. On the surface, their purpose is simple—to serve coffee quickly, conveniently, and creatively. However, their brand mission statement communicates a deeper level of impact:

“To inspire and nurture the human spirit—one person and one cup at a time.”

An everyday brand with a mundane function is elevated through a mission that is larger than themselves. They’re committed to doing more than just serving coffee. They’re committed to uplifting and inspiring through each client interaction. 

In the same way, there is a higher guiding principle behind your brand. You may feel like your work is ordinary and rote, but, really, it contributes something beyond your comprehension. Dig deep to discover that thing. 


4. How can you combine it all together?

The final step is to combine all of these things—core values, value proposition, and your greater impact—into one cohesive message that resonates with your target audience. This part may take a bit of workshopping and experimentation. So, if it doesn’t come easily, that’s okay. 

Here are a few examples of company mission statements that communicate these elements beautifully: 

Etsy: “To reimagine commerce in ways that build a more fulfilling and lasting world. We are building a human, authentic, and community-centric global and local marketplace.”

Asana: “To help humanity thrive by enabling all teams to work together effortlessly.”

CocaCola: “To refresh the world…To inspire moments of optimism and happiness…To create value and make a difference.”

Nike: “Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.*
If you have a body, you are an athlete.”

These examples are proof that brand mission statements don’t have to be dull or repetitive. When executed with intention, they can be moving and meaningful, just like the visionaries behind the words. Well-crafted mission statements have the ability to provide clarity and resonance for your potential clients, motivating them to be a part of your vision. In the end, it is an essential tool in your branding toolkit.  

If you’re interested in going through this brand strategy and discovery process with a guide, we invite you to inquire about our a la carte Brand Strategy service. In this 3-week container, we pull back the lens and think big picture to create a comprehensive foundation for your brand. We’ll work together to unearth your values, craft your vision, create your ideal customer avatars, distinguish you from your competitors, identify your brand archetype, and more. You walk away with everything you need to step confidently into the essence of your brand. 

Click here to get started.

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